Monday, September 12, 2011

Define “Broadcast Journalism” in 1-3 sentences.

List and describe the six criteria of newsworthiness.

1 significance- an event that effects a lot of people. ex: oil spill, 9/11, hurricanes, elections.. ect.
 -games, dances, construction
2. unusualness- fire, murder, wars, elections, things that dont happen every day
3. proximity, scores, traffic, weather,. you care about the things around you
- new resturaunt, communtity, art center.
4. prominance- we care about celebritites. royal wedding.
-interview with a foot ball player or someone "important". governor. president
5. timeliness- we care about things that are current.things that happen today, not two weeks ago.
-homecoming, dance, change.
6. human interest- feel good story. animal born at the zoo. someone saves someones life. ect.
-someone donates something for a cause............................................,................,.,......,......,.,.,.....,....

What are the differences between print journalism and broadcast journalism?
1. broadcast is much more current, ability to go live. ex: mine collapse.

2. print allows you to read what you want when you want. at your own pace

3.print is in more detail and depth.

How is the Internet impacting broadcast journalism? its the best of both print and broadcast journalism.

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